Cridersville United Methodist Church

making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world


105 Shawnee Road, Cridersville, Ohio 45806



Cridersville United Methodist Church

making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world


105 Shawnee Road, Cridersville, Ohio 45806


Online Giving

There are several ways you can participate in our financial life.You can give when you celebrate with us on Sundays by placing your tithe or offering in the offering basket.
  1. You can send your tithe or offering by mail to: Cridersville United Methodist Church, 105 Shawnee Rd., Cridersville, OH  45806
  2. You can give online through PayPal. You don't need a PayPal account. You just need a debit/check card. Please do not tithe or give an offering by charging it to your credit card if you have accumulated debt. Note that PayPal takes 3% of each transaction. If you have any questions, contact us at
After clicking submit you'll have the opportunity to verify your transaction before proceeding onto PayPal.

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